
sometimes warm sometimes cold....depending on whether i know you!! Most of the time mad & full of sarcasm!!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

The silence is so pregnant….

This morning I need a gigantic will to wake up!! Not a good night sleeps yesterday. My leg muscles was complaining and screaming. The last few days of putting my body thru numerous workout has finally taken its toll. Think I had sprained my ankle during one of the steps classes! Arghh…..

Traffic was smooth and not many cars on the road. The road was deserted accompany only by the few cars which I can count with both hands. Pretty scary. Or maybe it’s just because I was out too early. Everything was so quite in the office. Not much activity. Big boss still on holiday.

Gosh the silence is so pregnant in the office!! I almost missed my Big Boss voice calling. Not much work to do. Counting the minutes to lunch then to go home. Contemplating whether to go gym or head home straight.

The dull aching on my ankle tells me to choice the wise option….. oh btw, who listen to what their head says…

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Hurrayy… finally my first blog!!

I guess the DeepaRaya holidays have taken its toll on me. Rather lazy to start work tomorrow. The long holidays has finally come to an end for me. Gotta work tomorrow. How time flies? Times do fly when you are enjoying yourself! Lets see, has been eating some nice ketupat, rendang, muruku and delicious –sinful- cookies. Meet up some of my ex-schoolmates.

Other than that is gym-hopping for me. My friend convinces me to try out yoga today. What a shame, it turns out to be disastrous- for me at least. Found out that I could not do most of the yoga pose. I guess I’m not giving up on yoga.

Gosh, I’m working tomorrow, oppss… I mean today ;)