
sometimes warm sometimes cold....depending on whether i know you!! Most of the time mad & full of sarcasm!!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Fun and Funny

Saturday without Cikgu’s class is rather bored. Or so I thought. With a reluctant heart I went to Tornado Instructor’s class (TI)- Cikgu’s replacement. Its not that I don’t like TI, its just that sometimes TI love to give “complicated” combo. Boy, was I wrong? Last Saturday class was absolutely amazing. Gosh, I’ve forgotten how FUN TI class is!!!! Love the combo!! Its funny, every time TI does a replacement class, only ‘selected’ people will attend the class. Perhaps its the combo or maybe its just that TI does not have ‘fans’ for freestyle steps. TI only does freestyle steps on a replacement basis, no permanent class. Now I believe every instructor has their own style and TI style just remind me of a graceful dancer’s movement. It’s more prominent when we are doing mirror image with a partner. Thank God, this time I’m not pair up with FLCM!!!

Though I missed some of the steps but overall I managed to follow the steps. Had a fun time. The funniest (erm.. should I say weirdest?) thing is TI was wearing SUNGLASSES throughout the class. I’m guessing it could be the glaring morning sunlight. What else could it be?


  • At 12:40 AM, Blogger Ultraviolet said…

    Huh?? wearing sunnies teaching a class?? hmmm, he must have 2 screws loose...wakakaka...wei, who's FLCM lehh??

  • At 10:38 PM, Blogger Mackie said…

    erm.. just found out that TI was wearing it coz he had 'red eye' wor that day!!!! hahahahaha.... now i know where the virus comes from!!!!

    FLCM? Who? aiyo... one of the member lar....


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