
sometimes warm sometimes cold....depending on whether i know you!! Most of the time mad & full of sarcasm!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Hurry Burry Sunday

I was speeding through the highway when I received Violet’s SMS. Violet said not coming to DL’s (Sam Ku’s Tong Heng) class wor. Well, in that case I shall enjoy the class by myself. We were hurrying to put our things when we saw Z. Yes, we were late again. But then we were not expecting DL to be punctual! wrong are we? The class was FULL. We barely manage to squeeze our board on the side of the class. There were about 30 people in the studio. Now this studio definitely don’t have the capacity for 30 people with steps board.!! Well, I guess we should consider ourselves lucky. Two guys who came 5 minutes later than us had to stare from outside the studio. There was not enough space to squeeze in any step boards. Poor guys!!

DL’s was as patience as Sam Ku in teaching the members. There were times when the newer members couldn’t follow and seems lost. DL will stop the music and teach step by step slooowwyy… Well, I enjoyed the class. Of coz, you will find those ‘seasoned’ stepper making turns and flying here and there. (This includes Z and yours truly.) Violet would be complaining that we the more so called “advance” stepper making her dizzy with our turns. Wakakakakaka…….

I must say that DL’s class can no longer be classified as “basic”. From the scale of 1 – 5 with 5 being “intermediate”, I would give DL class on the scale of 3. If Violet can follow such steps, Violet will not have problem following Sam Ku class already!!!.

Really had fun and enjoyed the DL’s class on Sunday…….

Friday, December 01, 2006

Rolling Ball

I was late. Mr Bus Driver was kind enough to wait for me - again. Hehehehe…

Today in Pilates class we were using Gym Ball. There were only SIX of us! So G decided to use the Gym Ball. Now this is my first attempt using Gym Ball after months of classes with G using only the mat. The last time I used the Gym Ball – with other instructor, it just rolls away from me. It was a notable contretemps when I lose balance and the gym ball roll away to the other end of the studio!!! Hahahaha…. Best part was the ball hit the person on the other side. Wakakakka …..Those were my earlier Pilates class.

The first curl down had my upper abs complaining already!! “Stretch””Agrhh” “Stretch” Again. OMG time stop!! Sweats was dripping down my brow (though that the studio was rather cold) by the time I’m doing the push up with the gym ball. Then G saw all of us making “sei lor” faces, G smile! Hahaha..(you know … those ‘wicked smile’ ) G knows all of us are struggling to do this!! No doubt you can see those ‘regulars’ were all ‘complaining’ with their faces!!- Yours truly also la….since I believe I’m entitled to be called ‘regulars’ liao…

Balancing with the Gym Ball is no joke! Half of the time my arms and legs were shaking. Complaining on the unusual push up, stabilizing and stretching of the muscle I made them do. Because there were only 6 of us, each one of us have the full attention from G. Alas, the Stretching and Pulling from G begin… So here we go.. ready ….arms *stretch* *stretch* *stretch* again…*hold your ribcage**don’t arch your back*.. blah blah… Whoa….. can die man!!

It was worthwhile waking up to G’s class……..